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Fusion3 Edge

Performance. Durability. Ease-of-Use. Safety.

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The Fusion3 Edge provides performance that rivals expensive industrial 3D printers. The Edge is engineered to build large parts, quickly, with excellent print quality under heavy use, making it perfect for commercial and educational environments.  With a 0.4 mm diameter nozzle (and optional 0.6, and 0.8 mm diameters available), the Edge meets a broad range of 3D printing needs.  The Edge has an improved auto-leveling feature and automatically senses when the spool is empty.  Upon installing a new spool, you can resume the print exactly where it paused.

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Product Information

Industry Leading 2 Year WarrantyReliable Performance and Peace of Mind
Free Lifetime Support by Phone and EmailReady Access to Expertise for Life of the System
Open Materials Philosophy - Wide Range of 3rd Party FilamentsSupports a Broad Range of Applications; Not Tied to Proprietary Materials
Large Build VolumeAccelerates Rapid Prototyping and Model Making
20 - 500 Micron Layer ResolutionCreates realistic prototypes and models; provides smooth-to-the-touch surfaces
Out-of-filament sensingAutomatically pauses when spool is empty and resume printing from where it paused
Heated, Multi-Zone Build PlatformImproved Part Quality; Supports a Broader Range of Materials
F3slic3r SoftwareTrusted, Industry Leading Solution for Performance
User Adjustable SettingsEnables fast printing for preliminary parts to finer resolution for final parts
Micro SD Card, Ethernet, and WiFi (via 3rd Party Adapter)Remote control & access for monitoring

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Printing TechnologyFused Filament Fabrication(FFF)
Build Size (X, Y, Z)355 x 355 x 368 mm (14 x 14 x 14.5 in.)
Build PlatformHeated Glass (Multizone Heater); Up to 140°C
Layer Resolution20 - 500 microns
ExtruderFusion3 ANVIL; Swappable; up to 320°C
Nozzles0.4 mm Hardened Steel (optional 0.6 and 0.8 mm available)
MaterialsMaterial TypesPLA, ABS, ASA, PETG, Polycarbonate, PC-ABS, Flexible, Polyester, Acrylic, Soluble, and more
Filament Size1.75 MM
Spool SizeUp to 12” diameter, 6” width
F3Slic3r (Free & Open Source)
Supported OSWindows
Supported Files.STL, .OBJ
ConnectivityEthernet, WiFi, BlueTooth
ElectricalInput/Output110V / 230V, 350W Avg.
6A/3A, 600W

Specifications subject to change without notice.

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