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Control X Essentials

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Control X Essentials is available when purchased with an EinScan 3D scanner.  This software is a great tool to efficiently compare your scanned 3D files with a design file or another scanned 3D file.  Control X Essentials is a professional metrology software that lets you capture and process the data from 3D scanners and other devices to measure, understand, and communicate inspection results to ensure quality everywhere. With Control X, more people in your organization can measure faster, measure more often, measure more completely, and measure anywhere. See below for a more detailed list of features.

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Compare scanned data to CAD design file or other scanned 3D fileQuickly understand variances and compare to go/no-go criteria
Geometric dimensioning and tolerancing toolsAnalyze size, form, orientation,
and location of features according to
the ASME Y14.5M standard
Intuitive heat map generation showing variancesEasily communicates and isolates any areas of concern or out of tolerance conditions
Multiple alignment toolsEnables user to select the quickest and most meaningful method for the project
Automatic generation of 3D reportsQuickly communicate results to everyone on your team

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